1. A guest fee of $10.00 is required for all non-members.
3. The weight room is for members only. Non-members are not allowed. Members between the ages of 14 to 17 are allowed with a Parent.
4. Young children are not allowed in the Weight Room at any time.
5. Guests are not allowed to come and go. Once a guest leaves the Club, he will be charged a guest fee to come back into the Club.
6. No minor (17 and under) is allowed to bring more than two guests unless accompanied (at all times) by a parent.
7. All members must register their guests at the desk located at the front gate. Guest fees must be paid at the time they are registered, either by check, cash or credit card. Members are not allowed to bring more than 5 guests at one time.
8. Please remember it is within compliance for the Manager on Duty to ask for identification of a member or proof of registration for a guest at any time on LCC grounds. It is important that all members comply to keep the system fair!
9. No Children are allowed on the tennis courts at any time unless they are properly dressed (tennis shoes, shirts and shorts) and are playing tennis. There is absolutely no food allowed on the tennis courts.
10. Because children continue to play baseball on the tennis court, no baseball equipment will be allowed into the club.
11. If you see someone abusing the facilities, please notify the Manager on duty.
12. Please remember to pick up your own litter and remind children to properly dispose of trash.
13. Absolutely no roller blades, scooters, skates, skateboards, wheeled shoes or any type of riding toy will be allowed on LCC grounds at any time. Bikes should be parked in the bike rack and not ridden on the tennis courts or in the parking lot.
14. Parents please be mindful of your children’s behavior while at LCC. The lifeguards and managers have rules that they must enforce to make it safe for everyone.
15. If a child is continually corrected throughout the day, the club manager will send the child home.
16. Under no circumstances should a minor (under 18) have a key to the front gate.
17. During break, children are not allowed to have any part of their body in or near the pool. The Lifeguards will strictly enforce this rule.
18. Parents and children under the age of 5 are allowed in Baby Pool during break.